Everyone studies differently. Here's how we do it.

  • 1. Start with Scripture

    A relationship with Jesus is built on the Word of God. In order to truly understand who God is, it’s essential to study the Bible. Devotionals and Christian books are great supplements, but they don’t carry the same weight as His Word. New to studying the Bible? We recommend starting in John or one of the other Gospels, the narrative books about the life of Jesus. We study the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible. Don’t have one? Let us know and in the meantime, you can read at the link below.

  • 2. Understand the Context

    Let’s be honest, scripture can be intimidating at first glance. With so many names and old traditions, it’s easy to get lost. It’s crucial for you to understand the context so that you can have a full understanding of the Bible and God’s wisdom. There are thousands of commentaries out there that help break down the text. We use David Guzik’s commentaries as we’ve found them to be most helpful for those new to studying the bible. Simply head to the link below, choose the book you’re studying, and get to learning!

  • 3. Share your Takeaways

    Do you have a hard time retaining what you read or learned? Don’t be discouraged, it’s common for all people. We highly recommend taking notes as you study. Studying the Bible is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t feel so rushed - enjoy your time with God. If you’re not a note taker, we’ve created a group chat community solely for the intent of encouraging and helping others study the Bible. In this group chat, you’ll see daily takeaways from other men and women from all over. Jump in and share what you’re learning from God’s Word!


  • Think about a concert - the band members always tune their instruments before the show. While we understand that everyone’s schedule is different, we always recommend reading at the start of your day. Not only does it start the day off on the right note, but you’re also giving God your first and best by doing so.

  • Community is a crucial aspect of being a follower of Christ. If you don’t understand or agree with something the Bible says, ask someone with knowledge that you can trust. If you don’t have that someone in your life, reach out to us! We’ll do our best to give you the most biblically accurate answer.

  • It can be confusing and overwhelming if you just read start to finish. Start with the Gospels. We advise reading John first, then Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Following the Gospels, jump into the rest of the New Testament (NT). Many people neglect the Old Testament (OT) but it’s crucial to read so that you can have a full understanding of God’s plan for creation and the importance of Jesus’ crucifixion.